• An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow

Safety Culture Elements


The video below explains how we view safety culture, and emphasizes that if we can optimize the situation (e.g. work methods, management systems, communications, etc) we can optimize people's safety behavior.

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The Business Case

Implementing proven Behavioral Safety processes in your company can dramatically reduce the number of lost-time and minor injuries and their associated costs which detract from your bottom-line.


Hearts and Minds

Winning over people's 'Hearts & Minds' to the safety cause can be difficult. There has to be a consistency of purpose, focus and execution in continually striving to improve safety. In other words, strong 'Safety Leadership'  creates and maintains positive safety perceptions among the entire workforce. In turn, this motivates people to behave safely, so that a collective commitment to 'safe working' becomes the norm.


Safety Management Systems

Safety Management Systems are deliberately designed to provide guidelines on how to behave safely in particular circumstances.  How well each element is developed, managed and reinforced affects approximately 80 percent of people's daily safety behavior. It makes good commercial sense, therefore, to optimize your company's Safety Management System.



Our Approach
Many companies spend significant time and effort improving safety by addressing hardware issues and installing traditional safety management systems. While these methods produce positive initial results, a plateau of accidents typically remains. Although these accidents are often attributed to employee carelessness or poor safety attitudes, most are triggered by deeply ingrained unsafe behaviors.

B-Safe Management Solutions and its behavioral safety programs comprehensively address this problem by looking deeper into actual causes and creating systems and procedures that change attitudes and behaviors.

The B-Safe®, an award-winning proprietary method developed by company founder and industry pioneer Dr. Dominic Cooper, lies at the center of the intersections of employees, management systems, the working environment and the company's overall culture. B-Safe® helps to bring these four elements into alignment and function smoothly to dramatically improve your safety performance. Associated benefits include efficiency savings, increased reliability and integrity of plant & equipment, and reductions in insurance premiums. View our Case Studies to see what we consistently achieve

Contact us to discuss your company’s specific needs and how we can apply the B-Safe® Process to improve safety in your specific workplace environment.


Safety Behavior

The dilemma of safety is that people often find unsafe behavior is 'rewarding' in some way (e.g. they get the job done quicker, they are more comfortable not wearing PPE, etc), whereas 'Safe behavior' is often punishing (e.g. wearing the supplied PPE is uncomfortable, jobs take longer, etc).