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Industry Survey on BBS - Typical Results

Industry Survey Results (cont....). This page reports on the results achieved by respondents Behavioral Safety processes.

Given Behavioral Safety is targeting behavior, it is good to see that in most cases there has been the desired behavior change. Only a small minority (4%) reported behavior had not improved, while some (9%) just did not know! This indicates these respondent's processes are not collating and tabulating the observation data.

Half of respondents also reported injury reductions, although in some cases this took up to 4 years to achieve. Worryingly, half (some 430 company's) indicate no impact yet! This suggests that somehow they have got the design and/or the execution of their process very wrong, indicating an independent review is warranted. Over the past 20 years, my professional peers and I have consistently seen 30% or more reductions in injuries in year one, with this eventually leading to Zero lost-time and recordable incidents.

 Apart from safety behavior and injuries, many Behavioral Safety processes pay attention to other Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) to evaluate their success. The 'Observation Rate (numbers of observations completed), Near-Miss reporting, completed Corrective Actions, Participation rate (number of people involved in BBS as observers), Safety Leadership behaviors and the amount of Constructive Feedback given are used by 40-60% of companies. Less common is the number of Feedback Meetings held with the workforce and the amount of Positive Praise given. Overall, these results indicate attempts by companies to integrate their Behavioral Safety process with the wider Safety Management System, which is all to the good.  


 Despite some areas of opportunity highlighted by the survey responses, around 90 percent of company's believed their process was effective.


Moreover, almost 98 percent of respondents wanted their next company to have a Behavioral Safety process in place if they moved jobs.


Overall, the survey has provided many insights into the way Behavioral Safety processes are actually implemented in companys. Areas of opportunity were identified that could help industry maximize its Return on Investment if they are attended to. I hope you found the results useful in your own efforts to 'make-a -difference'. If we can assist in any way, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .